
ibusshare — Shared utility functions and definition.

Stability Level

Stable, unless otherwise indicated


#define             IBUS_DEPRECATED
#define             IBUS_SERVICE_IBUS
#define             IBUS_SERVICE_PANEL
#define             IBUS_SERVICE_CONFIG
#define             IBUS_PATH_IBUS
#define             IBUS_PATH_FACTORY
#define             IBUS_PATH_PANEL
#define             IBUS_PATH_CONFIG
#define             IBUS_PATH_NOTIFICATIONS
#define             IBUS_PATH_INPUT_CONTEXT
#define             IBUS_INTERFACE_IBUS
#define             IBUS_INTERFACE_FACTORY
#define             IBUS_INTERFACE_ENGINE
#define             IBUS_INTERFACE_PANEL
#define             IBUS_INTERFACE_CONFIG
const gchar *       ibus_get_local_machine_id           (void);
void                ibus_set_display                    (const gchar *display);
const gchar *       ibus_get_address                    (void);
void                ibus_write_address                  (const gchar *address);
const gchar *       ibus_get_user_name                  (void);
glong               ibus_get_daemon_uid                 (void);
const gchar *       ibus_get_socket_path                (void);
gint                ibus_get_timeout                    (void);
void                ibus_free_strv                      (gchar **strv);
const gchar *       ibus_key_event_to_string            (guint keyval,
                                                         guint modifiers);
gboolean            ibus_key_event_from_string          (const gchar *string,
                                                         guint *keyval,
                                                         guint *modifiers);
void                ibus_init                           (void);
void                ibus_main                           (void);
void                ibus_quit                           (void);
void                ibus_set_log_handler                (gboolean verbose);
void                ibus_unset_log_handler              (void);


This file defines some utility functions and definition which are shared among ibus component and services.





#define IBUS_SERVICE_IBUS       "org.freedesktop.IBus"

Address of IBus service.


#define IBUS_SERVICE_PANEL      "org.freedesktop.IBus.Panel"

Address of IBus panel service.


#define IBUS_SERVICE_CONFIG     "org.freedesktop.IBus.Config"

Address of IBus config service.


#define IBUS_SERVICE_NOTIFICATIONS    "org.freedesktop.IBus.Notifications"

Address of IBus notification service.


#define IBUS_PATH_IBUS          "/org/freedesktop/IBus"

D-Bus path for IBus


#define IBUS_PATH_FACTORY       "/org/freedesktop/IBus/Factory"

D-Bus path for IBus factory.


#define IBUS_PATH_PANEL         "/org/freedesktop/IBus/Panel"

D-Bus path for IBus panel.


#define IBUS_PATH_CONFIG        "/org/freedesktop/IBus/Config"

D-Bus path for IBus config.


#define IBUS_PATH_NOTIFICATIONS "/org/freedesktop/IBus/Notifications"

D-Bus path for IBus notifications.


#define IBUS_PATH_INPUT_CONTEXT "/org/freedesktop/IBus/InputContext_%d"

Template of D-Bus path for IBus input context.


#define IBUS_INTERFACE_IBUS     "org.freedesktop.IBus"

D-Bus interface for IBus.



D-Bus interface for IBus input context.


#define IBUS_INTERFACE_FACTORY  "org.freedesktop.IBus.Factory"

D-Bus interface for IBus factory.


#define IBUS_INTERFACE_ENGINE   "org.freedesktop.IBus.Engine"

D-Bus interface for IBus engine.


#define IBUS_INTERFACE_PANEL    "org.freedesktop.IBus.Panel"

D-Bus interface for IBus panel.


#define IBUS_INTERFACE_CONFIG   "org.freedesktop.IBus.Config"

D-Bus interface for IBus config.


#define IBUS_INTERFACE_NOTIFICATIONS    "org.freedesktop.IBus.Notifications"

D-Bus interface for IBus notifications.

ibus_get_local_machine_id ()

const gchar *       ibus_get_local_machine_id           (void);

Obtains the machine UUID of the machine this process is running on.

Returns :

A newly allocated string that shows the UUID of the machine.

ibus_set_display ()

void                ibus_set_display                    (const gchar *display);

Set the display address.

display :

Display address, as in DISPLAY environment for X.

ibus_get_address ()

const gchar *       ibus_get_address                    (void);

Return the D-Bus address of IBus. It will find the address from following source:

  1. Environment variable IBUS_ADDRESS

  2. Socket file under ~/.config/ibus/bus/

See also: ibus_write_address().

Returns :

D-Bus address of IBus. NULL for not found.

ibus_write_address ()

void                ibus_write_address                  (const gchar *address);

Write D-Bus address to socket file.

See also: ibus_get_address().

address :

D-Bus address of IBus.

ibus_get_user_name ()

const gchar *       ibus_get_user_name                  (void);

Get the current user name. It is determined by:

  1. getlogin()

  2. Environment variable SUDO_USER

  3. Environment variable USERHELPER_UID

  4. Environment variable USERNAME

  5. Environment variable LOGNAME

  6. Environment variable USER

  7. Environment variable LNAME

Returns :

A newly allocated string that stores current user name.

ibus_get_daemon_uid ()

glong               ibus_get_daemon_uid                 (void);


ibus_get_daemon_uid is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code. This function has been deprecated and should not be used in newly written code.

Get UID of ibus-daemon.

Returns :

UID of ibus-daemon; or 0 if UID is not available.

ibus_get_socket_path ()

const gchar *       ibus_get_socket_path                (void);

Get the path of socket file.

Returns :

A newly allocated string that stores the path of socket file.

ibus_get_timeout ()

gint                ibus_get_timeout                    (void);

Get the GDBus timeout in milliseconds. The timeout is for clients (e.g. im-ibus.so), not for ibus-daemon. Note that the timeout for ibus-daemon could be set by --timeout command line option of the daemon.

Returns :

A GDBus timeout in milliseconds. -1 when default timeout for GDBus should be used.

ibus_free_strv ()

void                ibus_free_strv                      (gchar **strv);


ibus_free_strv is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code. This function has been deprecated and should not be used in newly written code.

Free a list of strings.

strv :

List of strings.

ibus_key_event_to_string ()

const gchar *       ibus_key_event_to_string            (guint keyval,
                                                         guint modifiers);

Return the name of a key symbol and modifiers.

For example, if press ctrl, shift, and enter, then this function returns: Shift+Control+enter.

keyval :

Key symbol.

modifiers :

Modifiers such as Ctrl or Shift.

Returns :

The name of a key symbol and modifier.

ibus_key_event_from_string ()

gboolean            ibus_key_event_from_string          (const gchar *string,
                                                         guint *keyval,
                                                         guint *modifiers);

Parse key event string and return key symbol and modifiers.

string :

Key event string.

keyval :

Variable that hold key symbol result.

modifiers :

Variable that hold modifiers result.

Returns :

TRUE for succeed; FALSE if failed.

ibus_init ()

void                ibus_init                           (void);

Initialize the ibus types.

ibus_main ()

void                ibus_main                           (void);

Runs an IBus main loop until ibus_quit() is called in the loop.

See also: ibus_quit().

ibus_quit ()

void                ibus_quit                           (void);

Stops an IBus from running.

Any calls to ibus_quit() for the loop will return. See also: ibus_main().

ibus_set_log_handler ()

void                ibus_set_log_handler                (gboolean verbose);

Sets GLIB's log handler to ours. Our log handler adds time info including hour, minute, second, and microsecond, like:

(ibus-daemon:7088): IBUS-DEBUG: 18:06:45.822819: ibus-daemon started

If verbose is TRUE, all levels of messages will be logged. Otherwise, DEBUG and WARNING messages will be ignored. The function is used in ibus-daemon, but can be useful for IBus client programs as well for debugging. It's totally fine for not calling this function. If you don't set a custom GLIB log handler, the default GLIB log handler will be used.

verbose :

TRUE for verbose logging.

ibus_unset_log_handler ()

void                ibus_unset_log_handler              (void);

Remove the log handler which is set by ibus_set_log_handler.