
ibusxml — XML handling functions for IBus.

Stability Level

Stable, unless otherwise indicated


XMLNode *           ibus_xml_parse_file                 (const gchar *name);
XMLNode *           ibus_xml_parse_buffer               (const gchar *buffer);
void                ibus_xml_free                       (XMLNode *node);
void                ibus_xml_output                     (const XMLNode *node,
                                                         GString *output);


IBusXML lists data structure and handling function for XML in IBus.



typedef struct {
    gchar  *name;
    gchar  *text;
    gchar  **attributes;
    GList *sub_nodes;
} XMLNode;

A data type representing an XML nod.

gchar *name;

Name of XML tag.

gchar *text;

Text enclosed by XML start tag and end tag. i.e. text.

gchar **attributes;

Attributes of the XML node.

GList *sub_nodes;

Children node of this XML node.

ibus_xml_parse_file ()

XMLNode *           ibus_xml_parse_file                 (const gchar *name);

Parse an XML file and return a corresponding XML tree.

name :

File name to be parsed.

Returns :

Root node of parsed XML tree.

ibus_xml_parse_buffer ()

XMLNode *           ibus_xml_parse_buffer               (const gchar *buffer);

Parse a string buffer which contains an XML-formatted string, and return a corresponding XML tree.

buffer :

Buffer to be parsed.

Returns :

Root node of parsed XML tree.

ibus_xml_free ()

void                ibus_xml_free                       (XMLNode *node);

Free an XML tree.

node :

Root node of an XML tree.

ibus_xml_output ()

void                ibus_xml_output                     (const XMLNode *node,
                                                         GString *output);

Output an XML tree to a GString.

node :

Root node of an XML tree.

output :

GString which stores the output.